John Restrepo, REALTOR

John Restrepo
SL3573510 FL

John Restrepo is a REALTOR working out of the Coldwell Banker Pinecrest office which has been named the #1 office in Miami Dade County 13 times since the year 2000.

He believes that competence, integrity, and clear communication are the most important traits to consider when choosing a REALTOR. He is committed to promptly returning your calls/texts and will always keep you updated throughout your home buying/selling/renting experience.

Having previously worked 15 years as an FPL Electrical Lineman, his familiarity with the various neighborhoods of Miami Dade County is rivaled by few.

Two years ago, he became a member of the effective altruism community by pledging to donate 10% of his total gross income for the rest of his life to the most effective charities as designated by the GiveWell Foundation (who research the charities that save or improve the most lives per dollar donated). By allowing John to serve your real estate needs, you will in turn be assisting him in reducing the suffering of thousands of people in the world.

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